Felvidek, Discover the unexpected happenings in the alternate history of the Slovak Highlands. This land is under siege from Hussite raiders and Ottoman spies, while eerie terrors lurk in the shadows. It falls to Pavol, a noble knight struggling with his drinking habits, to assemble a team and confront those threatening our realm.
- Explore a beautifully hand-painted world filled with castles, towns, and dungeons.
- Uncover secret doors and hidden pathways.
- Advance the narrative by interacting with a variety of intriguing characters, including Catholics, Hussites, and other more nefarious individuals.
- Engage in turn-based RPG combat against a range of foes. Collect gear and resources for your character.
- Complete the adventure in about 3-4 hours.
System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements:
- Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10
- Processor: 2.0 GHz or better
- RAM: 512 MB or more
- Graphics: 1024 x 768 resolution or higher
- Storage: At least 700 MB of free space.
Felvidek Free Download
The developers characterize the content in this way:
This game features imagery and language that might be unsettling for some players. We recommend exercising caution while viewing.
Felvidek Free Download
Size: 574.99 MB